What is the Impact of IoT in Our Daily Lives?

Have you ever wondered what is the impact of IoT in our daily lives?

If you think you have never heard of the Internet of Things (IoT), chances are you’ve probably heard of it without realizing it. You’re probably even utilizing IoT at this very moment. Fitbits, Apple Watches, smart thermostats, and other app-controlled appliances are all IoT. And without a doubt, they are changing our lives in more ways than we can count. 

What is IoT or the Internet of Things?
The Internet of Things (IoT) describes physical devices or groups of objects with sensors, software, and other technologies allowing them to connect, exchange data, and communicate with other devices and systems over the Internet. Think smart devices, especially those that can be controlled through an app.

Here are some more examples of IoT that people use on a daily basis:

  • Smart appliances (refrigerators, coffee machines, air fryers, washers, etc.)
  • Smart home hubs and assistants (Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri)
  • Smart security systems and locks
  • Wearable technology (fitness trackers, sleep trackers)
  • Connected retail
  • Connected healthcare devices

People have started using and relying on this kind of technology every day now, whether for personal use or for enterprises. In the Emerging Technology Trends Survey 2020 by Globaldata, 48% of the respondents showed positive sentiments toward IoT. Meanwhile, 45% believed it would play a critical role in the new business generation over the next three years. The IoT market is currently worth approximately $800 billion. By 2024, it is expected to grow to almost $1.1 trillion.

So what is the impact of IoT in our daily lives?
The impact of IoT in our daily lives varies depending on our lifestyle and work environment. Once integrated into people’s routines, IoT can help improve daily living. We may not immediately recognize the changes, but their impact is not something we can ignore. 

For one, IoT helps improve our well-being and quality of life. Fitness trackers and other wearable smart technologies help people function every day. It helps track daily activities such as sleeping patterns, calorie intake, heart rate, and more. This will help people assess their health and can even help determine or prevent any complications.

IoT also helps people live smarter and be more efficient. Devices like a SOLUM Smart Tag can help people track their valuables when they travel. And an Industrial Tracker can also change the way industrial workers work on the field and with their equipment. Smart homes and buildings also make it easier for people to manage systems, conserve energy, and save money. 

IoT devices increase our safety as well. The smart security systems we install, smart locks, security cameras, and more help us stay safe within our homes or even at a specific establishment. A few IoT technologies can also help enhance fire safety and detect fire or smoke as soon as possible.

With the help of IoT, various companies and businesses can automate processes. Industries such as supply chains and logistics, manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, and retail can centralize their daily operations. They can even use IoT to retrieve and monitor data that will help improve aspects of a business. 

Last but not least, IoT can play a big role in technological advancements in healthcare, medicine, and more. From tracking a patient’s health and progress to surgical robots that can assist with complicated surgeries, IoT is improving how healthcare professionals work every day. IoT devices can also help physicians identify the best treatment process, or even help with the task of hospital asset tracking and management. 

These are just some of the impacts of IoT in our daily lives. As you can see, it brings a lot of value and convenience to a lot of people. As we work to incorporate IoT into our personal lives and careers, the more we can benefit from this emerging technology and embrace its undeniable effect.

Want to know more about SOLUM  IoT products? Contact SOLUM Group today.



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What is the Impact of IoT in Our Daily Lives | SOLUM Group
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