Digitize your pharmacy

Upgrading pharmaceutical shelf labels from paper to digital provides streamlined inventory monitoring and shelf life management.

Struggling with
shelf management?

Medicines are named quite differently from other retail goods. Managing thousands of medicines and vitamins with long and complicated names on a daily basis is a big challenge for pharmacists, pharmacy managers, and pharmacy owners.

Is your business also experiencing such problems?

Difficulty in managing stock due to befog product names
Lack of label space to display all product information
Difficulty in updating prices and expiration dates
Lack of efficient ways to monitor customer needs

If yes, it’s time to modernize your pharmacy

A comprehensive, innovative and easy-to-deploy

electronic shelf solution

A new way to

track customer patterns

enable dynamic pricing

manage shelf inventory

reduce risk of selling expired products

Frustrated with shelf life

Go for Digital Labels

Easily manage the inventory of all the medicines, vitamins, and other medicinal products available in your pharmacies.

Inefficiencies are gone

Lightning fast process

Update product prices and information with less hassle and as fast as possible, making sure that no expired medicine will be sold to customers.

No room for errors

Right medicine for the right consumer

Reduce human error through more accurate product information display, ensuring that your pharmacists give the right medicine to the right consumer.

Tedious tasks?

ESL will make it easier!

Pharmacists give the right medicine to the right consumer. Reduce the chances of your pharmacists experiencing burnout by making tedious tasks lighter.

The Remedy for Your Business

With our electronic shelf labels, your staff will have several advantages that can equip them in accomplishing their daily pharmacy store operations.

Shelf Life Management

Monitoring medicines with different shelf lives manually can be a very complex task for your pharmacists.

Information Sharing

Our digital labels can display up to 7 pages of information which can be flipped using the two interactive buttons.

Shelf Inventory Management

Manual shelf inventory management requires pharmacists to walk around the store and scan every low-stock item, shelf by shelf.

Take your business to the next level.

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