A Smart Solution for Electronics Stores

All-in-one Shop Solution

With SOLUM ESL, you can further enhance your electronics store’s interactivity and be better at what it does best.e

Occupied in
customer requests?

Android TVs, phones, and tablets with the most advanced features—these products are what tech-savvy customers look for today. With the level of competition amongst gadget stores, how does your store stand out?

Manual and time-consuming price labeling.
Inability to apply discounts on gadgets & appliances.
Manual displaying of product specifications.
Outdated & inefficient product management tools.

If yes, make your store automated & interactive with SOLUM ESL

A comprehensive, innovative and easy-to-deploy

electronic shelf solution

Reinvent the way you

manage your products

assist your customers

boost your sales

access your business

drive sales

manage price

manage price labels

Monitor stock levels

like never before

Monitor the stock levels of your latest gadgets and best-selling home appliances to avoid stockouts and implement replenishments when necessary.

Boost your sales with

dynamic pricing

Implement dynamic pricing during specific times of the day and discounts for in-demand products like smartphones, resulting in improved profits. necessary.

Latest tech?

We got you covered.

Implement dynamic pricing during specific times of the day and discounts for in-demand products like smartphones, resulting in improved profits. necessary.

Get the hold of

contactless payment

Monitor the stock levels of your latest gadgets and best-selling home appliances to avoid stockouts and implement replenishments when necessary. necessary.

Pricing automation

is all you need

Monitor the stock levels of your latest gadgets and best-selling home appliances to avoid stockouts and implement replenishments when necessary. necessary.

Electrify Your Business with ESL

With the right selection of electronic shelf labels, your electronics store managers and associates can spend less time worrying about updating prices, managing stock levels, and displaying the correct specifications – and more time serving customers.

Show Product Specifications

Our ESL is specially designed for ease of implementation within an industrial environment, so digitizing your operations can be done as quickly as possible

Attract More Customers

Display appliances information, product images & videos. Increase foot traffic & sales by showing flash sale through digital labels and signage.

Makes Your Store Stand Out

Leverage Newton’s customizability to stand out in the highly competetive market. Incorporate Newton for branding, promotions & to cater specialized needs.

Take your business to the next level.

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